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Oi Ronson! Stop being such a sap and put it away! Nobody needs to see you getting the locks done – WTF  – who cares like? I mean, a video – really? Like really-really?  And just for the record, you were alright with the chestnut mane; now you just look like a potato.

Video after the break. Contains some distressing scenes and bleaching imagery.

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Oh the everlasting beauty of a plain white tee. Nothing compares to that exquisite feeling of happiness after slipping on the perfect fail-safe t-shirt. It just screams YESSSSsss. Searching frantically through a warzone of clothes for anything marginally appealing to wear is unfortunately something I know to well. Throwing combinations of cropped/sequined/striped/floral/knit/silk tops in every direction possible is often ended with a simple action of fitting on an ever-reliant white tee in some shape or another. When an outfit is almost out the door and something is still not right: too fussy, too planned, too much, too tight… the answer is clear.  Read the rest of this entry »

The story goes that legendary fashion photographers Mert Atlas and Marcus Pigott were booked and ready to do the shoot. Allegedly they were all on set and everything. Next thing ya know Madonna walks in and says she wants to direct the video. They said great but we’re not paying you. At which point she whips out her iPod, teaches the girls some ‘moves’ and shoots the film in two hours.

Just not feeling this ad at all. The photo booth idea is cute but not very well executed I don’t think. Unless I’m missing something?

A great coup publicity-wise but do ya reckon Miu Miu made an error in judgement? Cos I do…

Too harsh?

Eh Bouncy’s new season line is crap. We’re talking studded leggings, sharp shoulders and tattoo transfers. Guuuuuuurl we’ve seen all that before. C’mon you can afford some hip and trendy hipsters to come up with your collection. What gives?

I suppose she wants it to sell. Well it’ll do that anyway. Her frequent bending over in the ad campaign will probably take care of that.

The line is named after her maternal grandmother, Agnèz Deréon. Not to be confused with Tina and Beyonce’s label House of Deréon, this one is a Solange and Beyonce sibling affair.

But to be honest, you’d fare better shopping in Japan on Henry Street.

Emma 'Pixie' Watson

I feel like an unnatural amount of people have been discussing this haircut since the weekend… But how and ever, I wanted to see what ye think of it.

The story goes that Emma has gotten the chop to be in with a chance to star in the English-language version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

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Madonna and Child

I suppose you could say the A/W 2010 campaigns begin in earnest now and some brands have employed the heavy hitters like Madonna, Christy Turlington and Kate Moss to help hawk their wares. I’m not a big fan of Madonna but I am loving the shots used of her in the D&G campaign.

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I’m not usually one for perving on wedding pictures. Honestly. I know I’m betraying my gender stereotype here when I say I couldn’t give a monkeys (which is why there was no post on WWIWT? for Brian and Amy’s nuptuals), but c’mon now, who wouldn’t be interested in the former first daughter’s big day?

She wore Wang, the wedding  cost e3 million to put on, there was a no-fly zone over the event… and that’s about as much as we know.

So based on the one or two photos that are floating around… do we likey?

When I stumbled across this picture I felt it was only fair that I share it with you all… it is one of the single most bizarre pics I have ever seen…The queen (bitch) of the fashion world Anna Wintour getting down with her bad self with none other than……………………. P Diddy!!! How random – Who knew she actually had a fun side?!

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Shannon Doherty eh? Remember her? You might ask what the above picture is for? And might well you ask. As it has no relation whatsoever to the actual competition. Read the rest of this entry »

The latest scribe to join the  pre-pubescent blogosphere is none other than the offspring of a one  Madonna Louise Ciccone.

Yep Lourdes Leon is “4 realz” excited about it too. Now some of you might remember my Tavi rant some months back. You might be expecting to go berserk over the very idea of Lourdes tap-tapping away on the latest Macbook (errr that’d be the iPad, no?) about her fashionable thoughts… but no. Her (inaugural) post is just plain endearing. Her writing is cute and Bebo-esque and makes me think of a little sis trying on blogging for size.

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