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My wardrobe looks like a circus exploded in it. I am subjected to wearing suits and formal work clothes Monday to Friday, so in my own time my maxim is the brighter the better. My staples are coloured dresses, sequins and anything else shiny. However, this winter, as I wander the High Street (which is disappointing to say the least) I am finding myself drawn back to black (used to wear a lot as an angsty, weight-conscious teenager).

I don’t know if this is age creeping up on me or a reaction to a pretty big fail by most of the high street stores for A/W 2010, but I seem to be going black and minimal in my fashion choices.  It may also be after reading the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Trilogy on holidays – perhaps I am channelling my inner Lisbeth Salender?  Whatever, I am feeling the grunge look. The refined grunge look I might add – I am not a fan of ripped tights or Taylor Momsen’s racoon eyes.

So I think the focus of my Back to Black Attack is this black leather skirt from Pepe – spied it in BT2 and it screams sophistication rather than try-hard. It’s also available on ASOS – I loves it…I just need to work up the courage to wears it.

I think this dress from Manoush is FABULOUS and could see myself and this dress propping up a bar with a killer pair of stilettos . I love the way the focus is on the bum and not on the cleavage. I am also loving Marks & Spencers tights at the moment and think a pair of the dramatic lace ones could work very well with this outfit. They have some plum/purple ones that could alternatively add a nice contrast.

It is pricey. But,  I did say this winter I am going to try and put together one of those ‘capsule wardrobes’ (such the fash-pack buzz word) and a black dress is a staple right?

These boots from ALDO are bitchin’. They have just the right touch of Victoriana/Gothic going on to fit in with my current clothing mood. I also love boots with lace -ups as they are easier to fit on over leggings/treggings/jeggings (when did we stop wearing trousers?).

I am in love with these embellished black leggings from River Island and think they would look fantastic with one of the many leopard print tops on the High Street. And big hair. These leggings scream big hair

I will be teaming all of the above with my trusty black eye-liner from MAC and hoping to pull off a return to black.  It’s not as simple as piling on a load of black – it may be slimming, but too much and you start getting handed the number for the Samaritans. A lot of black with a lick of class – that’s what I’m after

Well it’s Monday afternoon and I’m sitting here in my pajamas still recovering from Saturday night- well actually recovering from the entire week; the entire stress-riddled, nail-biting, sleep deprived week. But the Debs was on, it was enjoyed and now its over and to be entirely honest, I’m quite relieved about that really. So as you know from a previous post, the day didn’t exactly go to plan. Well not the day exactly but everything. Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.

The dress didn’t arrive, the tan turned green, the curls had disappeared after an hour, the bus was only booked the night before and the eyelashes were a joke. But in the end it all came together – just like some messed-up, drunken, Irish, happily-ever-after. So although I only bought the dress two days before, (and the shoes and bag the night before), it was all good and the stress was well worth it. The competition was ‘Fierce’. The style stakes were high and there was an incredible array of very different dresses – Grecian to print, silky to jersey, and very little to very big.

My dress, as you can see, was short – an unusual choice considering only 3 people were wearing short dresses. My original dress was a long, dusty pinkish dress but due to ‘unforeseen circumstances, [the dress] won’t arrive until late next week’. (Damn you House of Fraser and you’re blatant lack of regard for The Most Important Night of a Post-Leaving Cert) After a five minute ‘bitch-fit’ and a 3 minute cry, I ran over to Kildare Village and bought the first dress I tried on (yes, really!) from Karen Millen. A surprise choice as a) I never shop there and b) the dress was short and c) the colour was mint green – a risky decision if ever there was.

Anyway, unfortunately I am having severe writers block due to a lack of sleep (ok i did get 15 hours in total but right now, it definitely doesn’t feel like that) so the time has come to finish up. I need more pizza, more diet coke and a Jersey Shore marathon. Just a small note to Rosemary from The Great Débutante Debacle piece: If only I had listened to you sooner.

Editors Note: Jennie felt it important to share with you the reality of the Debs

it's's mulberry

Just a little something The Guardian’s providing us to busy ourselves at lunchtime today. Click to get your copy and have fun pretending you achieved your childhood dream!

I got meself a parka. A staple must if you will. I went for pretty-grungy and festival-grungy. Even though I didn’t make it to a festival this year. The SHAME. Read the rest of this entry »

I refuse to bid fair well to my most treasured item of summer clothing, the playsuit. My playsuits have got me through so much these past months.  Casual barbeques, slouchy beach trips, grungy festivals – even formal gatherings. I am nothing without my playsuits. My love affair with playsuits started some months ago when my mother so graciously brought me home a lovely navy playsuit with beautiful yellow and white detailing for a mere 25 yoyos. Along came the black and white floral – very casual surfer chick and from a small market shop in France. Only a tenner. I kid you not. Some more to join the pack was a lovely choral one (purchased from the same market shop in france), a very beachy denim hollister piece and a polka dot black and white bargain from Pennys, ‘borrowed’ off a friend. (yes you MAY get it back some day). Read the rest of this entry »

The ONLY jeans A/W launch was on Friday – we have more details on that to follow, but we took some piccies of our outfits. Just to confirm that we don’t actually sit around in tracksuit bottoms and over sized charity t-shirts with greasy hair and 3 day-old make-up all the time.  Gosh, that was an awfully detailed description… Read the rest of this entry »

Over two years ago I bought a beautifully made, beautifully fitted, beautifully cut, B-E-A-U-T-IFUL dress from a lovely little boutique in Naas called Emporium Kalu. It was a spur-of-the-moment purchase after passing a SALE sign on the window. Obviously not being able to pass it, we stepped in to the pristine shop where the shop assistants were so dressed up and stunningly made-up,  it was embarrassing to go into with anything less than a 4 inch heel. After looking through the few clothes that were left, I found a perfect dress – it was gold brocade, had cute black straps and a little black bank around the waist that gave it a vintage-y feel. Having a ball coming up the following month, I had the perfect excuse to leave the shop a lot happier, bag-clad and 150 euro poorer (It was D&G though). What I didn’t know when I left the shop, was that it was to be one of my best buys EVER. It is, apart from my dirty old black pumps, the most worn item in my wardrobe. Read the rest of this entry »

‘What on earth could this post be about?’, I bet your asking yourselves. We have finally bitten the bullet, taken the bull by the horns, pulled our collective socks up and looked staunchly in the face of adversity: it is time to start making a public appearance in the blog. What will this entail? Giggling, mincing and twirling our way through photoshoots? No. Not quite. Unfortunately, due to our collective inability to pose unless under the influence of alcohol, we have to approach this from more of a mischievous angle. So…to the task at hand… Read the rest of this entry »


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